Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Seal meat and trappers

Ra and Mim are on good form, they have paddled past Mushumna, met a real live trapper and eaten their first seal meat.

In the past, subsisting on reindeer and seals while trapping foxes and polar bears could be a very lucerative way of spending the winter. These days people who want to spend a season trapping apply to the Governor and a very small number are chosen. It's no longer financially worthwhile, but appeals to people who are awfully keen to get away from it all.

Mushumna is also the last chance for a looong time to charge the batteries on the satellite phone, and to get inside out of the wind. The hut there (like a DOC hut, with small triple glazed windows) houses trappers and is visited by Sysselmannen field officers, scientists and a few very motivated tourists.

The weather is glorious! Off to do a spot of artic sun bathing and recover from the rigours of last nights' drinking session with miners.

1 comment:

Monsieur Ti said...

Hello Polly, We have been following your trip from the blog and sadly discover you had to stop it.

What are your plans then? You will stay in Longyearbyen following Ra and Mim journey?

have a visit to if you want to check some pictures from mid-summer party by the beach before you started your trip!

