welcomed on the beach by Liv. Most of the last week has been spent
dreaming of the beer and food we are now consuming. Barentsburg
(Russian mining town) was an eye opener with it's crazy dilapidated
buildings and mining equipment. Luckily these were mitigated by the
hotel that served pizza and vodka.
Here are a few pics - can't write any more now as there is cappuccino
waiting at the nearest cafe. :)
A HUGE thanks to everyone for sending us thoughts and messages of
support throughout the trip! It has been great to know people have
been following our progress. Hope to see you all in real life soon!
Ra and Mim
Great stuff Mim and Ra. We have been following your progress. Catch up for beer when you are back in town.
Cheer Marty
You guys are AWESOME and AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!
I hope you are a little rested and somewhat recovered from your ordeal, and now getting into living off the memories of such a momentous, life-changing experience. I can’t WAIT to hear about it. Congratulations, little-bro and special-partner-of-little-bro. I am VERY relieved all is now well and safe and sound.I have to admit, the blog entry about “boat breaking” had me somewhat worried, to say the least! War and Peace sounded almost as arduous as the trip itself! Haha!I’ll look forward to hearing more sometime.Loads of special hugs and vodka shots and giggles to you both, Lisa (in the heat of an Oklahoma City summer)
Well, done guys - glad you survived. I was a bit worried that War & Peace would finish you off :)
Awesome, it must have been a great adventure .. i have read from the beginning it was like a thriller movie :P ... congratulations ! Hope this is worth for a life time :)
Cheers !
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