Saturday, April 26, 2008

Time for summer... rafting

Christchurch has been grand and it’s time to follow the sun around the world. To go to the Ottawa… rafting. Given the only rafting I’ve ever done was in a brief appearance as an “orc with river skills” extra in the lord of the rings, more than an occasional eyebrow has been raised. It’s time to unleash the playboating demon within and throw all the pieces of my life up in the air once more. Faaabulous.

It's always particularly good when you can persuade your mates to do mad things with you. Sarah has also quit her responsible job, and will turn up for raft guide training a few weeks before I fly out. The South Island feels more like home (home!) than any other place on the planet. These last few months have been magic.

Should you feel like a spot of playboating - or just have a yen to visit the east of Canada - I’ll be on the Ottawa river from June till September. Be great to see you out there.

May the rivers flow for you!

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